Call To Action Post

The purpose of my four blog posts has been to make you, the reader, aware of just how horrible and widespread human trafficking is around the world. In the first post, I wrote from the perspective of a human trafficking survivor in an attempt to make the reader see things from the perspective of a victim. In the second post, I detailed the physical and psychological damage human trafficking can have victims. In the third post, I zeroed-in on the largest branch of human trafficking; forced labor. In the final post, I attempted to showcase the inefficiency of the government’s solution to human trafficking. In every post, I told stories about human trafficking victims. The first was fictional, but the next three were all too real. The stories of the victims in my second and third posts gave the reader a glimpse into how complicated human trafficking is; how it’s almost impossible to see unless someone is looking very hard. The story in the fourth post should be one of the most disturbing. Posted by an official government website, the article was meant to be positive and even celebratory. In reality, the article showcased the government’s extremely inefficient effect on the human trafficking epidemic.

What’s the point of all this doom and gloom; all of these harsh statistics and heartbreaking stories? I want you, the reader, to take action. I want every person reading these blog posts to see just how horrible human trafficking really is. I want people in power and government officials to realize that human trafficking is an epidemic; something that can’t be ignored. I want people to advocate for change; to spread awareness of how horrible and widespread human trafficking is around the world. Millions of victims are suffering right now, and most people are completely unaware. I want people how have a voice to scream for victims who can’t speak. Washington needs to take action, and we need to do everything we can to influence that action.

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