

A Worldwide Epidemic

  • My First Blog Post

    September 11, 2019 by

    “I’m just so sick of being human.” – Jon Bellion Human trafficking is the use of force, coercion, or threats to make someone do some action. In most cases, the “action” victims are forced to perform is physical labor; physical labor in bad conditions, long hours, and little-to-no pay. Disturbingly, a significant percentage of human… Read more

  • Proposing a Solution

    October 26, 2019 by

    Human trafficking is an overwhelmingly huge epidemic. With 40.3 million victims worldwide, it is easy to feel like there is no possible way to do anything to help solve the problem of human trafficking (“The Facts”). In a way, this is correct; human trafficking will never be completely solved. There are just too many victims… Read more

  • Call To Action Post

    October 11, 2019 by

    The purpose of my four blog posts has been to make you, the reader, aware of just how horrible and widespread human trafficking is around the world. In the first post, I wrote from the perspective of a human trafficking survivor in an attempt to make the reader see things from the perspective of a… Read more

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